
Vermont’s Bias-Free Policing Policy

The arrest of two migrant farmworkers during a routine traffic stop has effected a change in the state’s bias-free policing policy, the Governor appointed an advisory panel to look at the state’s investment in UVM and gold fever has struck in Central Vermont, again.  

Advocates Protest Farm Worker Arrest

Human rights activists say two Vermont migrant farmworkers who were passengers in a car that was stopped for speeding on Tuesday have been detained by police. Representatives of the Vermont Workers Center say the state trooper who pulled the car over had no cause to ask the men for their identification. 

“Silenced Voices”

A new documentary produced by the Vermont Migrant Farmworkers Solidarity Project travels to a remote village in Chiapas to learn where many of Vermont’s workers call home. Also, a look at a project that would bring electricity from Canada to New York City through underground cables in Lake Champlain.