Canada’s apology to native people

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Over the course of the 20th century, about 15,000 native children in
Quebec were removed from their families and sent to state-funded,
church-run schools in an effort to "kill the Indian in the child."
The painful legacy of the residential schools continues to affect
Aboriginal families across the country, and led to a formal ceremony at
Parliament last week in which the government apologized to aboriginals
and First Nations people in Canada. Our guests examine the history of
forced assimilation, why the apology has come now, and what it means to
the future of Canada’s native people. (Listen)

All next week on Vermont Edition, we’re kicking off an ongoing series of
interviews with Vermonters who are finding innovative ways to change how
we all think about energy and the environment. Monday on the program,
Jane Lindholm visits the offices of the Nature Conservancy in Montpelier
to learn about their attempts to reduce their carbon footprint — from
composting with worms, to getting rid of vehicles. (Listen)

AP Photo/The Canadian Press,Mike Dembeck


Listener comments on this program:

Patti in East Dover:

Fascinating show. My concern is for American Indians and the shared legacy they have regarding forced removal of children. My hope is that this show will address the American connection re this highly charged issue. Might the possibility of a follow-up show about American Indian struggles re this same issue ensue? It seems that the original people of our nation have been ignored and at no time is this more evident than when discussing the demographics of our current political campaigning. African American, Hispanics and others figure into the picture. Why not our native dwellers?


Ted in Burlington:

What role did Kevin Rudd’s apology to aborigines of Australia play in this apology? How do we begin to attack the abuse of native tribes occuring in the Athabasca, Alberta region of Canada, where tarsands are being mind with no regard for native settlements, the environment, or long-term health of future generations?

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