
Baruth: About Those Pirates

Free and back home after his time as a hostage, Captain Richard Phillips will be the guest of honor at a picnic this weekend in Underhill. But Commentator Philip Baruth is convinced that unfortunately the story of the Somali pirates is far from complete.

Baruth: Tow truck philosophy

According to the old African proverb, it takes a village to raise a child.  But that’s nothing:  it takes an entire city to keep Commentator Philip Baruth’s aging family car on the highway.  Here’s Philip

Cut it Yourself

Once upon a time, Commentator Philip Baruth drove out to a place where you can cut your own Christmas Tree. He will never do it again, even if you offer him lots of money. Here’s Philip.


The end of Election 2008 hit everyone a little bit differently.  For various reasons, it took Commentator Philip Baruth back to a moment when he was twelve years old, running his first sled-dog race.

Birth Rate Blues

In its most recent study, the US Census Bureau reported that Vermont had the nation’s second lowest rate of fertility. Predictably enough, the news has sent Commentator Philip Baruth into a tailspin of depression. Here’s Philip.

Wee Adventure

Recently, Commentator Philip Baruth traveled to Sweden to spend some time with his wife’s family there. As always, he felt physically smaller surrounded by the descendents of Vikings. But, this time around, that feeling of smallness led to some unusually large problems.