Hampton Inn Scales Back Plans For Historic Village

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(Host) Developers who hope to build a Hampton Inn in Manchester’s historic village have scaled down their plans for an 80-room hotel.

The new plans reduce the proposed hotel’s length and increase its setback from the main road through the village.

The developer, Manchester Hotel Associates, has already won town permission to demolish a defunct inn on the site.

The former Village Country Inn dates back to the late 1800’s and is registered as a historic building. But it’s been abandoned since 2009.

Manchester Village Trustee Amy Swinarton says the board agreed with the local fire chief.

(Swinarton) " The building is a hazard in its current state. It’s a health hazard and a fire hazard and we just feel it’s beyond repair."

(Host) The developer will present the revised plans to the Development Review Board next Monday.

Village President Brian Knight won’t predict the outcome.

(Knight) "People feel strongly about it in so many different directions I wouldn’t venture a guess."

(Host) Knight says any change in a historic village is bound to generate controversy. Village officials expect it will take more than one meeting to decide the Hampton Inn’s fate.

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