
As he recently packed up to move, commentator Caleb Daniloff found himself contemplating the things we acquire over time – and what gets brought along and what’s left behind.

Lost dog

Commentator Caleb Daniloff and his family are moving to Boston. Before leaving Middlebury, Caleb planned to spend some time hiking around town. On a recent weekend, he ended up doing just that, but not quite the way he’d imagined. Here’s Caleb.

Clinton visit

“When former President Bill Clinton spoke at Middlebury College over the weekend, commentator Caleb Daniloff was in the audience. He was hoping to bask in the glow from the 1990s, but came away thinking about a new “here and now.”

Life story

Judging by the current crop of memoirs by presidential candidates, retired athletes and disaster survivors, the genre is alive and well. New volumes of personal history seem to appear all the time. So commentator Caleb Daniloff recently decided to take another crack at his own memoir.

Daniloff ’08

Town Meeting can be an inspiring event for the civically-minded among us, and election fever has struck commentator Caleb Daniloff. He went to his town meeting in Middlebury this week to plot his own run for office, and to check out the competition.


When commentator Caleb Daniloff has a bit of time off, he likes to visit the local library. He says it’s more than just a public building filled with books. It’s a reminder that not all stories come bound between two covers.

Pa’s Arrest

Today marks the 20th anniversary of an event that thrust commentator Caleb Daniloff’s father into the international spotlight. Lately, Caleb’s been reflecting on how his view of his father has changed since then.