
Hunter Encore: Use Of Canes

Thinking back over the late Edith Hunter’s many commentaries, we’re reminded of the time a few years ago, when she talked about her new-found appreciation of the cane, and managed to reflect at the same time, on longevity, stability and utility – in roughly that order.

Hunter: The Cut Glass Bowl

According to commentator Edith Hunter, the short days and early darkness of mid-winter provide a perfect setting for the rediscovery and re-use of an old-fashioned type of tableware – that fairly sparkles with light.

Hunter: A Modern Reader

Commentator Edith Hunter’s first reaction to a book she recently read is that one should never put the word "Modern" in a title, since today’s "modern" is tomorrow’s "historic".

Hunter: What Irene Changed

The recent completion of repairs to Route 106 in Weathersfield, reminded commentator Edith Hunter of what was changed by Tropical Storm Irene – and what was not – in just one small corner of Vermont.