Dean campaign exceeds fundraising expectations

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(Host) The presidential campaign of former Democratic governor Howard Dean got a big boost on Wednesday when his campaign announced their fundraising efforts for the first three months of the year have far exceeded projections.

Dean was hoping to raise $1.5 million during the first quarter of the year, but according to his press secretary Susan Allen, the actual total is approximately $2.6 million. Allen says more than 12,000 people have already made a contribution to Dean’s campaign:

(Allen) “The message is getting out there, and I don’t know what piece of the message people are responding to. The governor’s talking about, he’s been critical of this war, the war with Iraq, and he continues to be saying it’s the wrong war at the wrong time. And I think that’s inspired people to get involved in the campaign.”

(Host) Allen says the campaign has also been surprised at the power of the Internet:

(Allen) “And interestingly, a lot came over the Internet. We raised about three-quarters of a million dollars just from Internet contributions – $400,000 of that came in the last week, which is one of the reasons we were a little late putting our figure out because we’ve been counting those last minute Internet dollars.”

(Host) Several of Dean’s Democratic rivals have raised more money than he has during this reporting period. North Carolina Senator John Edwards raised almost $7.5 million, while Massachusetts Senator John Kerry and Missouri Congressman Dick Gephardt are each expected to raise at least $4 million.

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