Legislature holds farm hearings

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(Host) The Vermont Legislature is taking several steps to help improve the future of the state’s dairy farmers. Thursday night, the House and Senate will hold a special hearing at the Statehouse to examine the scope of the problems facing farmers across Vermont.

House Speaker Walter Freed has also authorized members of the House Agriculture Committee to travel to other states in the region to see if the Vermont lawmakers can help build support for the Compact at the legislative level:

(Freed) “To find like-minded members of the Legislature and General Assemblies throughout the northeast and maybe as far south as Maryland or Pennsylvania, where dairy interests are certainly important. To find a way to bring them together in a coalition so that we have a greater political force in order to restore the Northeast Dairy Compact or something similar to it.”

(Host) Freed says he’ll encourage Senate leaders to support this effort by appointing a bipartisan group of senators to be part of the new panel.

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