With Storm Coming, Officials Urge Checking In With Neighbors

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Mental health professionals are prepared for the emotional wreckage that Hurricane Sandy could cause among people who dealt with another devastating storm a year ago.

For people who had been seriously affected by Tropical Storm Irene, Hurricane Sandy could trigger traumatic memories. That’s why Floyd Nease, Executive Director of the Vermont Association for Mental Health and Addiction Recovery, urges anyone with mental health issues to get in touch with family, friends, and neighbors, before the storm hits.

"One of the things that we have been encouraging people to do is to make those connections that are menaingful to them and help them feel safe."

Nease says mental health providers are also reaching out to their patients, making sure they have enough medications to see them through the storm,  to talk through any anxieties they may have, and to make sure they stay up to date on the weather and any need to evacuate.

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